How To Soundproof A Bathroom: 6 Things I Tried Personally

How To Soundproof A Bathroom: 6 Things I Tried Personally

It becomes very embarrassing when you are having dinner with your guest or sleeping in a living room and hear the noise of flush and shower coming from the bathroom.

Do you know the average amount of noise that generates your bathroom? No!,

According to the CapTel report, on average every bathroom is producing 62 to 80 dB noise which is a combination of airborne and structure-borne noise. But why aren’t bathrooms soundproof? because of the noise generated from different things in your bathroom like toilet flush, electric toothbrush, hairdryer, and so on?

Ideally, if the source of noise is generating around 80db noise then approx 50% of the same noise can be easily heard after noise traveling from ducting, wall, ceiling, or the floor tiles which is annoying and disturbing.

On How to soundproof a bathroom, you need immediate attention towards leakage of noise from the door, window and absorb the echo using the sound-absorbing materials from the wall and flooring. Replace the existing curtain and use self-adhesive sound dampening rubber jelly buttons on the toilet sheet lid.

This is just a brief overview but the guide will explain in detail how to tackle each different areas of the bathroom to stop escaping noise out from the bathroom

That’s why I am giving you the 6 proven and tested ways that working insanely and guide you on how to soundproof a bathroom to solve this problem.

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Some Essential Soundproof Materials For Bathroom

These are some of the very essential materials that I have used to soundproof my bathroom. And it was very helpful to me.





Heavy-Duty Self Adhesive Weatherstrip

To soundproof bathroom doors and window


Heavy-Duty Moving Blankets

To cover the bathroom door


Door Draft Stopper

To block the noise from the door


Sound Dampening Rubber Pads

To reduce the toilet seat impact noise


Cotton Roll

To remolding the bathroom door


All in One Applicator Tool

To seal the cracks in your bathroom


Spiral Pipe Wrap Insulation

To reduce the noise of the bathroom pipes


Acoustic Panels Soundproofing Padding

To reduce the noise from the wall, floor and ceiling


Thermal Insulated Soundproof Curtains

To soundproof bathroom window


Elephant Bark Floor Mat

To soundproof bathroom floor

Have a look around each product pricing on Amazon and then jump into the below-given steps.

6 Proven Tips On How To Soundproof A Bathroom

Simply mimic the steps I guided or suggested and, I am 100% sure you will notice a big difference in the noise level of your bathroom.

But consider an appropriate change in the types of materials you will be using during the DIY. The list of recommended materials is shared at the beginning of the guide.

#1: How To Soundproof Bathroom Door To Block Airborne Noise

Most of the time when entering the bathroom it produces noise, on an average 9 out 10 times.

The main reason is the interior of your bathroom because modern construction does not care about the soundproofing of your house.

In most of the cases, they use hollow (small cardboard strips that hold the panel) inside of the doors.

How To Soundproof A Bathroom: 6 Things I Tried Personally

This is an inferior noise absorption way. Literally, I don’t know why they are using this. Instead of this, you can use:

Cotton Roll (Check on Amazon) for remolding the bathroom doors to make it quieter. This is a very easy and effective solution that you can use instead of hollow inside the door.

Because cotton is a strong noise absorber. That will soak most of the noise and also help in the insulation of the bathroom. So this is a better way to soundproof bathroom noise

This is not the only solution, let’s check more!.

Door Draft Stopper is good to block any kind of noise or dust coming from the small gap just below the door and make your indoor more comfortable. Here is the collection of best door sweeps.

This just a clothing bag that’s why it is easy to wash whether it is machine or hand wash. You are nature friendly, don’t worry it is also recyclable.

Wait, where are you going? The best to reduce the eco in your bathroom is not finished yet.

Heavy-Duty Moving Blankets is a very comfortable thing that you can use on your bathroom door. Eco is the problem that faces many people in their bathroom so these soundproof blankets help to reduce the eco. 

Just apply these blankets to your bathroom door. Make sure it is fully covered with the blanket and don’t worry the door will close easily. But the use of it is optional as it looks a bit ugly.

#2: How To Soundproof Bathroom Walls, Ceiling, And Floor

Sometimes your bathroom door is not your enemy, bathroom walls also are the major issue in your bathroom that has some cracks. And it needs to be blocked first.

After implementing the above step if you don’t feel any big change in the noise level of your bathroom so you can combine this step also if your bathroom has some cracks.

How To Soundproof A Bathroom: 6 Things I Tried Personally

When the internal walls are completely insulated then the noise block in your bathroom and nothing goes out. So you can do whatever you want!.

To soundproof your bathroom walls you need some tools that can help you to make the work done properly. And these tools are:

All one applicator tool is a kind of glue that seals the visible cracks in your bathroom. However, it is the smallest or the biggest one both work the same and noise can let through.

This is very simple to do even if you don’t know how to do this? Just fill the crack with an applicator tool, make sure you fill the crack properly, and also cover the few inches on either side of the crack.

I suggest you apply another layer after it is dried to make it strong and also it may look very cheesy so you can decorate over it.

Wait, you are losing the best way to soundproof the bathroom floor. Check it out!.

Elephant Bark Floor Mat (Check on Amazon) is a fluffy noise-absorbing rug. That can block all the sound going out of the bathroom and also this is very effective and affordable to use.

This is a nature-friendly mat, how? Because it is made from recycling US car tires. And also this is a waterproof mat so you can easily use it in your bathroom. Also, this will work as bathroom tiles

Acoustic Panels Soundproofing Padding (Check on Amazon) is noise-canceling panels that come in many colors and design options. You can use it on the walls and the floor of the bathroom as well.

This panel attaches to your bathroom walls like a thick layer and absorbs most of the noise. Moreover, these paddings are made from 100% polyester fiber with great efficiency.

Installation is also very easy, just use Spray Adhesive (sold separately) to the back of each panel and adhere to the desired position in your bathroom.

Well, the use of acoustic foam also helps in reducing noise echo in the bathroom.

#3: How To Soundproof Bathroom Pipe To Make It Noise Resistant

In some cases, people find that their water pipe is vibrating, not by the earthquake. Fast water flow is the cause of this matter.

Sometimes it may be very loud so it has to be soundproof. However, you can slow the water pressure but this is a temporary solution.

Moreover, if you solved this problem during the construction time so you are in the right place, but if not then you have to find any other solution.

Because I know you don’t have so much money to reconstruct the bathroom. So I have a better solution that would not take so much money to spend.

Spiral Pipe Wrap Insulation (Check on Amazon) is the tool that will help you in this matter but it needs some professional help.

It helps in not only noise vibrations but also prevents freezing and offers thermal insulation but make sure to reserve space in between the pipe and wrap to add additional insulation.

What you need just order the wrap insulation on and call the plumber to wrap the insulation onto the bathroom pipes.

They can do it very effectively so the noise can’t come out. So this is how you can make your bathroom quiet.

#4: How To Soundproof Bathroom Window To Trap Shower Noise

I am not sure, if your bathroom has a window or not as I do have and to escape noise out from there both in or out you probably need immediate soundproofing..

If you are facing any noise problem with your bathroom window then this is mainly either due to the materials you used or not proper installation.

How To Soundproof A Bathroom: 6 Things I Tried Personally

Because the sound breaking ability depends on the STC ratings (tab the link to understand what is STC rating)

Three most recommended features of a soundproof window.

  • Is the window glass is thick or not but suggested is having two layers with a gap of around 1/2″.
  • Check the distance between the window panel and the glass.
  • Try to use laminated and plastic glass.

So if these things are appropriate in your window then probably you have already done a great job.

But it still needs attention due to improper fixing of the window in the outer frame and causes it left with air gaps.

Don’t worry I have a solution for you to make it quieter very quickly.

Heavy-Duty Self Adhesive Weatherstrip (Check on Amazon) is the cheapest and easiest way to block those small gaps around the frame of the window.

This is very simple to attach with your door and window, just remove the liner first and then apply it to the door and window. After it presses the seal firmly and finished. All set, you did a great job!.

So from these simple DIY hacks, you can reduce the noise level in your bathroom.

#5: How To Soundproof Air Vent / Extractor Fan In Bathroom

Air vents are a very common thing that almost every person has in their houses. But in most cases, it becomes very irritating because the air vent starts generating noise from its extractor fan.

That’s why it has to be quiet as well. It happens if you don’t clean the chamber for a long time but it might be some of the other reasons behind it.

If you didn’t clean the chamber of the air vent so just clean it first then after the noise even now is coming out. There is another reason.

So find out the noisy part, if your extractor is the reason behind all of the noise then I have some ways and tools to make it quieter.

Acoustic Foam (Check on Amazon) is a perfect thing that you can use to cover the inside of the air vent so that it will reduce the noise level. This bathroom fan needs to be soundproof.

Make sure to purchase fluffy foam not any hard because there need to be some holes to ventilate your house. So that acoustic foam is a good choice for this.

Moreover, you can also use a soundproof blanket and curtains to cover the air vent. This will be very helpful to stop the noise.

Also, you can construct a sound maze that will reduce the noise level by using some simple science. I know this will cost you more because you have to hire labor but if you want then you have to do this.

#6: Soundproofing Bathroom Tub And Curtains To Stop The Noise

Your bathtub is a very enjoyable place where you are bathing and relaxing your whole body. People who are working in a company also know that a bathtub is not just any simple tub but this is special for them.

They forget every scary thing, all the workload and work pressure during the bathing.

How To Soundproof A Bathroom: 6 Things I Tried Personally

I also observed bathtub makes noise during the bathing, so it has to be solved. Because this is ruining your relaxing time.

Also if the bathroom is the reason then change it. But I know changing a bathtub would be an expensive solution so I found a quick solution to fix the bathtub noise

So I suggest you find the problem and try to fix it. But the most common solution is the use of the best white noise machine and replace the existing curtains.

White noise is a mixture of low to high-frequency sound waves that cancel out the noise generated with that slippery noise of the bathtub and solve your problem instantly.

But if you have used a normal curtain then I strongly suggest replacing it with soundproofing curtains which are efficient enough to absorb the noise and create a strong blockout.

While making selections of the noise-proof curtains try to have one which is larger enough from ceiling to floor and should have thick enough to block efficiently.

Well, you can buy white noise and it is portable enough so you can use it same to any places in your house wherever you need so will solve the noise problems at different places.

Well, I am sure you find this most valuable but still, you need to fix a couple of things.

How To Soundproof Toilet Or Toilet Bowl

I know the toilet room is part of the bathroom but I want to explain separately so you can understand properly.

Well, the use of a white noise machine can help to reduce the noise but the real problem is on how to reduce the noise generating due to the impact of the toilet seat or the water flush.

Use a Sound Dampening Rubber Pads on your toilet seat to make it quieter. Just stick the bumper at the exact place inside the toilet seat. So that it can make less noise. This will reduce the ragging noise in your toilet room.

Most of the noise is generated by water flow; it means toilet flush. But there is no other temporary way to reduce its noise but we can have full control over the toilet seat.

How To Soundproof A Bathroom: 6 Things I Tried Personally

So either replace the existing toilet seat with a new one or use the self-adhesive sound dampening rubber jelly buttons to stick with the lid and it actually reduces the impact noise.

I know this will cost you more but there is no other option to solve this problem. This is a one-time investment for a long time and after it, that annoying noise will disappear.

Here you can get a quick round tip.


Wrap Up On How To Soundproof A Bathroom

In conclusion, soundproofing your bathroom is very important to do to make your family and guests more comfortable. This way you also get some appreciation.

These soundproof tools will help you to do the same but this will take a bit of your time and money. But this problem is much bigger than it looks like. So start working on it.

First, you have to identify the source of noise whether it is coming from the bathroom pipes, doors, window, floor, walls, ceiling, or something else. Then apply this one of the ways so it will work well. 

Second, after identifying the source of noise then check the recommendations and make an order from I have given the industry the best tools so that it will not disappoint you. 

In most of the cases bathroom doors, extractor fan, toilet flush. These three are the main source of noise. 

However, it can be soundproof easily by using a blanket and draft stopper for the door, acoustic foam for an extractor fan, but toilet flush can’t be set out. So you need to purchase the quieter one.

Forget any air freshener!. Just implement these ideas to soundproof a bathroom to make things quieter. Last but not least let me answer a couple of answers.

FAQ: How To Soundproof A Bathroom

These are some of the frequently asked questions on how to soundproof a bathroom and you can also find you too.

Q1. How To Reduce Noise Echo In The Bathroom?

Noise echo is a very irritating thing that will distract our focus and you will ruin everything that you are doing. Moreover, you can’t enjoy yourself from it.

Use all these ways and you will find all noise and echo related problems get solved. Especially, use an acoustic blanket and foam then cover the door of your bathroom with it.

Both are an ideal tool that will reduce the noise level in your bathroom. I know you don’t believe me but this is reality.

Q2. Why Aren’t Bathrooms Soundproof?

Who says, we can’t soundproof our bathroom. This is a myth and all the people who are saying this isn’t tried these ways.

First, try these ways and I am pretty much sure that you will find a big difference, not 100% but pretty much good.

Well, I put my hard-earned research into this single post along with my own experience and I hope this thing is most helpful, now let me know which solution you are going to implement, and feel free to do changes based on your need.

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